Event Details
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio
Skeel Avenue Parking Lot
Race starts at 6:00 p.m. with riders starting every 30 seconds.
Check-in begins at 4:45 p.m. and ends at 5:45 p.m.
2025 Event Pricing
$15 per event
$90 for all seven events (100 bundle registrations will be available)

Course Map & Description
This is a Time Trial rider’s dream course! The race begins on Skeel Avenue directly across from the Prairie Trace Golf Course Clubhouse (right before the pedestrian crossing). Cyclists will begin by heading south on Skeel Avenue and turning right into Huffman Prairie. Riders continue past Huffman Prairie to the gate at the back of the flight line. From there, it’s one road with no turns as riders make their way around the flight line finishing just before where they started for a 10-mile loop. With only right turns of 90 degrees, roads in great condition, and not a single foot of elevation gain, this course is built for personal records!
Registration for all Blue Streak Time Trial events are open to the public. If you require assistance obtaining access to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, please see information below.
Registration for the 27th Annual Blue Streak Time Trial opens Monday, March 3, 2025 for the first event of the 2025 season scheduled for Tuesday, April 8. A limited number of bundle registrations will also be available for all seven events (April-October). Individual registrations for the remaining 2025 events will open the day after the previous month’s event and will be accepted up to one week prior to the event pending space available.
Rules & Regulations
Base Access: For those requiring assistance obtaining access to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, you will need to submit your driver’s license information here. On event day, you will proceed to gate 12A where you will show your driver’s license to the gate guard and let them know you are attending Blue Streak Time Trial and your name is on the Entry Access List (EAL).
Age Restriction: While there is no age limit, any participants aged 10 or under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Both the child and parent/guardian must be registered.
Time Limit: The last rider will begin no later than 7:00 p.m. at Tuesday evening events. After that last rider passes through the two gates to Huffman Prairie those gates will be locked. The event will conclude upon the finish of the last rider, this time while variable, is usually between 7:30-7:45 p.m. at Tuesday evening events.
Safety on the Course: Helmets are mandatory. There is a strict no drafting policy, drafting is not permitted at any point on the course. Please ride in the bike lane where designated. Please do not warm-up or cool-down in the area near the finish line or in the restricted area between the gate guards (Huffman Prairie). We recommend taking your warmup north (i.e., ride the course backwards and U-turn for your warmup). While there is very light traffic on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in the evening, cyclists are reminded that this event occurs on open roads and all rules of the road apply.
Course Gates: The gate for Huffman Prairie opens approximately 15 minutes before the event begins and will close at approximately 7:30 p.m. after the last rider passes through on Tuesday evening events. The gate at the back of the flight line will also open approximately 15 minutes before the event begins.
Restrooms: There is a portable restroom on-site near the parking lot. Participants are not permitted to use the restrooms at the Tennis Club or Dodge Gym.

Check-In/Packet Pick Up
Check-in will be located at the Skeel Avenue parking lot from 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. at Tuesday evening events where you will pick up your bib. You must present a valid photo ID in order to check in. As a reminder, on-site registration will not be offered on day of event. You must register online by the Wednesday prior to day of event.
Parking & Directions
Parking: Free, on-site parking is available at the Skeel Avenue parking lot across the street from Prairie Trace Golf Course on Area A of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
Directions: Riders must enter through Gate 12A located off of Route 444. Once you are through the gate proceed straight to the stop sign and then make a left turn onto Spruce Way. Follow the road which will bend to the right until you get to a stop sign, and then take a right onto Skeel Avenue. Proceed about 2,000 feet to the parking lot which will be located on your left across the street from Prairie Trace Golf Course. Directions to Skeel Avenue can be found here.
Gate 12A GPS Coordinates: 39.7984364, -84.0435259
Skeel Avenue GPS Coordinates: 39.8120678, -84.0448747