88th Civil Engineering

In preparation for each time trial the 88th Civil Engineering team runs a street sweeper through the entire Blue Streak 10-mile course around the flight line. Depending on how much debris is on the course sometimes they must use a Buffalo Blower to blow unwanted debris off the course. They also go through the course and eliminate potholes to the best of their ability prior to race day.
In 2021, Civil Engineering repaved Riverview Road to make this stretch of the course smooth and safe for the cyclists.
Speedy Feet

Through the years Speedy Feet has timed well over 1000 events. Our team is composed of runners, bikers and triathletes. Speedy Feet has been the official timer for Blue Streak for many years. The time trial on base has always been one of Speedy Feet’s favorite events. It offers a very safe and secure course with very limited traffic. The event attracts such a wide range of participants, from first timers to age group world champions, and riders on all different kinds of bikes. Through the years, we’ve seen mountain bikes, hybrids, road biker, super aero time trial bikes, fat tire bikes, recumbents and we’ve even seen an HPV a few times. We look forward to seeing everyone at this year’s Blue Streak events.